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Board of Selectmen Minutes 01/27/2010
Town of Buxton
Minutes for January 27, 2010 Selectmen’s Meeting

Prepared by:  Dianne Senechal

Members Present:  Jean C. Harmon, Daniel T. Collomy, Robert C. Libby, Linda W. Pulsoni and Peter E. W. Burns.

Others Present:  Larry Miller, Cyrus McCall, Lori & Steve Anthony, Olive Collomy, Dennis Santolucito, Peter Pinkham, Robert Elwell and Mike Grovo.

Selectmen’s Meeting Agenda – 7:00 p.m.
  • Call to Order
The Meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m.

  • Pledge of Allegiance

  • Approval of Prior Meeting Minutes
Selectmen Meeting Minutes January 20, 2010.  Approved 4-0-1.  (Selectman Pulsoni was absent)

  • Discussion held between 5:00 & 7:00 p.m.
5:30 p.m. – Dianne Senechal provided an update on the General Assistance Program and the increased budget from one year ago

John Decosta discussed leasing the old Town Garage.  The Selectmen need to speak with the Public Works Director regarding the use of the building.  

The Selectmen discussed the Smoking Policy and the Hanson School.

  • Review of Correspondence
  • Letter to Kat Fuller, Bureau of Transportation Services from Selectman Harmon – Re:  Route 112 Rebuild
  • Email from Geoff Herman, Maine Municipal Association – Re:  Information from municipalities regarding tax lien foreclosures
  • Legislative Update from Representative Rob Hunt – Re:  Home Energy efficiency program available to qualifying homeowners
  • Legislative Bulletin published by Maine Municipal Association
  • Review of Projects and Issues
Selectman Libby reported that he is working on State revenue forms regarding the sale ratio study comparing sales to what the property was assessed for.

Selectman Collomy reported that the old Town Garage is missing window panes and he has volunteered to repair them.

Selectman Burns reported that the Selectmen had a Workshop on Monday and worked on the Internal Control Document.  They did not finalize the Smoking Policy.  Peter reported he attended an employer luncheon at Drummond Woodsum on Tuesday.  On Thursday the Selectmen meet with the Charter Commission.

Selectman Harmon reported that the Selectmen had a Workshop Monday night and one of the items they worked on was the Internal Control Document.  There are a few clarifying issues remaining and the document will be updated.  Selectman Harmon also reported that the luncheon she with Selectman Burns attended contained a discussion on paid sick leave, independent contractors and IRS Regs.  

  • Old Business
Public Works Garage -- Floor Sealing – on hold until spring
Repair Church Hill Salt Shed -- on hold until spring

Installation of Plexiglas in Front Office – Employees have been vaccinated for H1N1.  No estimates from contractors yet.

Update on Fuel Service Switch -- Information is coming in.

Antenna at Buxton Center – Chief Mike Grovo is working on this issue and stated that another appointment has been set up with the owner and they are working on the height.

Internal Control Document -- Working on draft.

Designated Smoking Areas -- Policy in process

  • New Business
Selectman Harmon read an announcement that the Buxton/Hollis Democrats will be holding a caucus on Sunday, January 31 at 1:00 p.m. at the Buxton Town Hall.  Everyone is invited to share ideas and support the Democrats.  Any questions call Nell Garvey at

Selectman Harmon read a letter from Charlie McNutt to David Pinkham, Public Works Director about the helpfulness of a member of the Public Works Department during the icy storm on Sunday night.  Mr. McNutt was caught in a detour from an accident and needed guidance to get home safely.  He stated the roads in Buxton were sanded and in very good shape.

  • Executive Orders
E.O.091001021 – An order to approve an Application for Veteran Exemption for [Map 4, Lot 18-9].  Approved 5-0.

  • Executive Orders by Initiative

  • Accounts Payable and Payroll Warrants
E.O.091001019 – An order approving expenditures as documented in Accounts Payable Warrant #31-10.  Approved 5-0.

E.O.091001020 – An order approving expenditures as documented in Payroll Warrant
#31-10.  Approved 5-0.

  • Next Meeting of the Board
Charter Commission Meeting Thursday, January 28, 2010 at 6:30 p.m.
Planning Board Workshop Monday, February 1, 2010 at 6:00 p.m.
Selectmen’s Meeting Wednesday, February 3, 2010 at 7:00 p.m.
Budget Committee Organizational Meeting Wednesday, February 3 after Selectmen’s Meeting

  • Other Business
State of Maine law requires all dogs be licensed by January 31st.  To license your dog you will need a Maine rabies certificate and neutering certificate if altered.  All dogs licensed after January 31st will be charged an additional $15 late fee.  

Reminder the Ambulance Subscription program is available year round and you can still sign up for the program.  Forms are available at the Town Office.

  • Public Comments and Questions
Larry Miller stated that he had studied Maine Law and material in the Code Office regarding the Hanson School.  He studied Title 28, Chapter 202 – Closing of Schools which deals with sold, leased and demolished buildings.

According to the Planning Board Workshop Minutes of March 8, 2007 the Town gets first refusal of the building.  There are water, disposal of sewerage with other building and complications if someone does not want their land used.

In May 2008 construction of the new school was approved with the following conditions:

  • No conveyance of land should be made without approval of the zoning
  • Existing building shall not be used for any purpose that requires parking when the new school is in use.
Zoning requires two acres in village zone.  How could the school transfer the building due to parking dedicated to new school.  Larry stated that it needs further analysis of what the Town would use the building for and how the Jewett School would be used.  This is a complicated situation and there is no easy answer.
Robert Elwell asked Selectman Harmon to explain her remark that she was in the minority last week when questioned about the Hanson School.  Selectman Harmon explained that she would like to see the Hanson School perhaps used for another purpose, but realistically she has to look at the facts and there is a huge price tag attached to the use of the building.

Robert wanted to know what Mr. Decosta would be using the old Town Garage for if he leased it.  He would be using the building for restoration of antique vehicles.

Robert stated that he appreciated the letter that Selectman Harmon had written to the DOT regarding Route 112.

Robert stated that he would like to see smoking banned on Town property and in Town vehicles.  

Robert questioned the wet tiles in the ceiling in the hallway and if the roof was leaking.  Selectman Collomy responded that the leak in the hallway was caused by a drip in the air conditioning unit.  Selectman Collomy stated that when there is a driving rain with wind the rain does get into the cupolas and drips into the building.

Robert reiterated that he felt the Public Works crew does a great job on the roads.

Robert stated that Charter Commission is leaning towards a Town Manager and if they think the Town will get better service with a Town Manager they are crazy.

Keith Emery stated that the Hanson School has a septic system across the road in the field from the school and it is on a non-conforming lot.  It was his understanding that the parking at the Hanson School was needed as part of the approval process for the new elementary school.

Steve Anthony stated that he appreciated Larry’s research regarding the Hanson School.  Steve stated that he believed that the new elementary school may be available for the Recreation Department to use.  He was aware that a janitor had to be paid for any use but it may be a remedy for more facilities.  Steve asked Larry to please look into the Building Use Policy for the new elementary school.

Steve questioned the Plexiglas topic that had been on the Agenda for the last two months.  He wanted to know if the Town had a list of contractors and who the project was referred to.  Selectman Harmon stated that the project was being handled by Chet, the maintenance person.  

Cyrus McCall thanked the Board for the time that they have taken to discuss Pleasant Point Park.  He stated he had picked up the Agreement with Southern Maine Forestry and he had some questions on a few paragraphs.  He would like the updated forestry management plan.

Selectman Harmon asked Mr. McCall why was he bringing up this subject now as the logging operation took place almost a year ago.  She informed Mr. McCall that professional foresters worked with the Trustees of the Park to help them develop a plan for selective cutting for the Park and the project was not done willy-nilly.  The original forestry plan did not get done when it was supposed to.  Selectman Harmon stated that the issue was discussed last year at each of the Selectmen’s Meetings and the subject was on the Town’s website.  Only a few people called to ask what was going on.

Mr. McCall stated that the Town did not have a map showing the total amount harvested and how it was done.  Mr. McCall asked why only three Selectmen had signed the contract with Southern Maine Forestry.  Selectman Burns stated that he was elected in June and was not a Selectman when the project was done.  Selectman Pulsoni stated that the contract only needed three signatures and she was not in the office.

Mr. McCall stated that the contract did not contain enough information.  He specifically wanted to know the following:

  • The amount of wood that was taken; and
  • The current forestry plan for the Park.
Mr. McCall asked if the Town had ever considered using GIS capability for the Town mapping.  Selectman Harmon stated ‘yes’.  Mr. McCall went on to state that mapping would have shown him the water way and other information about the plot of land.  Mr. McCall stated that the paths were totally torn up due to the logging.

Mr. McCall had some concerns regarding how clean the Saco River was for swimming in the Park area.  Mr. McCall was informed that the Saco River Corridor Commission was responsible for testing the water.  Mr. McCall stated that he had reviewed the sites where the water was tested and they were not near the Park area.  He was informed that it was not a Town issue and he should discuss it with the State and/or the Saco River Corridor Commission.

Keith Emery stated that he cut trees and selective cutting does take place and the tallest trees, diseased and dead trees are removed.  There is no map used as it takes a visual inspection.  At the time the trees are cut it is impossible to determine how much board feet will be removed as some trees may be diseased and nothing can be used from that tree.

Peter Pinkham asked why the Hanson School was even being considered as the building needed two acres of land in a village zone and it was apparent that two acres was not coming with the building.  It appeared to him that this is a dead issue.

Peter stated that the Selectmen did a good job at Pleasant Point Park.  Fred Farnham had worked at the Park with the Boy Scouts during Earth Day.

Olive Collomy stated that she had worked at the Park helping move wood chips and clean-up during the Earth Day last spring.

  • Executive Session

  • Adjournment
Motion made and seconded to adjourn the Meeting at 8:25 p.m.  Approved 5-0.